Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dia das Almas (All Souls Day)

Every November 2nd in Brasil, families gather at gravesites for the purpose of praying for their departed, cleaning the gravesites and placing new flowers on the graves. It is a sight to behold. Since it is mainly a Catholic tradition and the majority of Brasilians are devout Catholics, there are scores of people at the cemeteries this day. Sometimes they stop for treats or ice cream before or after their individual ceremonies. You’ll see women with scrub buckets and mops walking down the streets.

You don’t see that here in America. Everyone maintains the gravesites at separate times. Although I prefer to remember my loved ones as when they were living and not in the ground, I still appreciate the trouble these people go to keep the eternal resting place of their loved ones’ bodies in as nice a shape as possible.

Til Later, Tchau.